In the default, the font setting in WKG site is only applied in the default template,
So, if you want to change the font on the landing page is, just go to Edit Page, select Landing Page Options, go to the Page Fonts tab.


But, if you are using custom font di default template, you must add a little stylesheet code, here is the tutorial.

There are 2 type font on the page, title/ heading page, a text page
The default symbol of heading page is “h1, h2, h3, etc” and the text page is “p”


The first step, you must know the font type name you are using, just go to Site Setup in the Dashboard, and select Site Fonts

Copy your custom title/heading and text font name. Here is the sample, see this gif below to find the font name.

So, now you know the title/heading font and title font, in this tutorial, the heading and text font name is :

title/heading font :
Font-Family: 'Just Me Again Down Here', cursive;
Text font :
Font-Family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;

Next Step, go to the Landing page you want to change the font, go to the Edit Page
Find the Header Code in the bottom of the page


IMPORTANT! Here are the default template for changing the font

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
{ font-family: 'YOUR HEADING FONT', YOUR FONT TYPE !important;}
{font-family: 'TEXT FONT', YOUR FONT TYPE !important;}

From the note above, there is a template to changing the font, so you just copying the code and change the text and type name with the name you got from previous step :

title/heading font :
Font-Family : 'Just Me Again Down Here', cursive;
Text font :
Font-Family : 'Quicksand', sans-serif;

So, Write down the following code like this :

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
{font-family: 'Just Me Again Down Here', cursive !important;}
{font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif !important;}


After it, click the Update Button and your font will be update

Thank You