Many simple things that you need to know while you build a page or post. That is the the format issue, such spacing issue, font issue, color issue, etc. This article will explain and resolve how to fix spacing issue. If you struggle with other issue Click here.

This simple but it’s annoying when you face it. For example you want to give extra space for each paragraph in the behind page it look work but doesn’t work in the front of the page. This issue happen sometime because wordpress miss configuration.

Here is the example:

I want to give extra space in the Get Wet!

If you see picture below it has space on backend of the page but don’t have space in the front page.


How to fix it:

  1. In the backend page click Text


  2. Find the section which you want to add the space. For example “Get Wet” (Use Ctrl + F to make it easy when you find some words).
    You will see some code like <h1></h1> or <h2></h2> or <p></p> remove that and changed with nbsp;.
    One nbsp; is for one extra spacing you want 2 or more you can copy more that one.
    Note: Only change the part you want to change


  3. Last step is hit update. Here is the changes will look like.
