WKG Fitness Users - Complete this Step First before Continuing


Adding the Solle Naturals Assessment to Your Site

If you have the Solle Demo theme, you most likely already have the health assessment in your pages. Double check to see if the page already exists. If not, follow the instructions below to add it to your page:

  1. Add a new page

  2. Next, give a title to your page. Then choose "Solle: Frame" from the
    Page Attributes > Templates section.

    Add your Specialist Name from your sollenaturals.com URL

    Example: https://www.sollenaturals.com/yourspecialistname
    (only add the bolded part in the field)

  3. Click Publish - You are done with this page


  4. Download this form: Solle Wellness Form
    the .zip file on your computer

  5. On your site dashboard go to Forms > Import/Export.
    Then click the Import tab.
    Click Browse and select the .json form file from inside the .zip you downloaded.
    Click Import

  6. On your site dashboard go to Forms > Import/Export
    On the list of forms, find the one you uploaded on the previous step
    Hover over "Settings"
    Click "Confirmations"
    Click "Edit" on the Default Confirmation
    Select the page you created in Step 1 from the drop-down menu

  7. Click Save Confirmation - You are done with forms


  8. Add a new page (or edit an existing one)
  9. Add a Form Section
    the form you just uploaded and edited
    (optional) Check the "Hide Form Title" and "Hide Form Description" checkboxes
    Update or Publish the page

  10. That's it!
    The page with the form on it is where you will want to send your users. They will fill out the form allowing you to collect their information and agree to the terms. Once the form is filled out, they will be directed to the page you created with the "Solle: Frame" template in Step 1. That page will load Solle's questionnaire from your page on their site. The users will be able to send their results to you from their once they fill out the form.




To add the Solle Naturals page template to your WKG Fitness site, you'll need to activate the plugin first before adding or editing a page.

You will only need to do this once. If you've already done this you can continue on the steps above.

Below are the steps to activate the plugins:

  1. Go to the dashboard

  2. On the left navigation menu click "plugins"

  3. Use the search bar to find the plugin called "Solle Naturals Health Assessment (AMP)" and then click "activate".

  4. You can now continue on the steps above