Sometimes, we need to save page or blog so it can be able to access later without an internet connection. There are several ways to do this. you can save to HTML File or download it as PDF file.
Saving An Page or Blog Post to HTML file
It's an easy way to do that, you can directly do that using your browser feature.
if you are using Chrome or Firefox browser, just follow this step
- Open your article you want to download/save using your browser.
- Goto the top right, click the three vertical dot icon, move a cursor to More Tools, then click Save Page as
- Select the destination folder, in the file name fields, enter the file name, select save as type to "Webpage, Complete", then hit Save.
If you are using Safari iOS, follow this step:
- Open your article you want to download/save using your browser
- Choose File > Save As, then choose Format > Web Archive or Format > Page Source.
After the file was downloaded, if you want to open this document, you'll need the browser, because the output of this file is HTML filetype.
Saving An Page or Blog Post to Portable Document Formats (PDFs)
You also can download/saving a page directly to a PDF file. Why using PDF? Because PDF is among the most commonly used file formats and can be used across different platforms.
You will need the web app to do that, there are several web applications on the internet, but my recommendation is to use this site:
Here is the step to saving the page to PDF:
- Open this site:,
- Copy and paste the URL of the page you want to save
- Click the Convert button

- Wait for a minute and the pop-up will show in the screen, then click the pop-up to save the PDF to your computer.