To update your mobile navigation menu, follow these steps. 

  1. Click Site Setup
  2. Then click Site Navigation 
  3. Your primary menu will automatically pull up. If you want your mobile menu to match your primary menu, just check the Mobile Menu box under the Menu Settings section and hit save. 
  4. If you'd like to customize your mobile menu, choose Mobile Menu from the dropdown and hit the Select button.

  5. To add a new page to the list, select the pages you want from the Most Recent tab and select Add to Menu

  6. If you don't see the page you want to add on the Most Recent tab, toggle to the View All or Search tabs. 
  7. Once your pages are added, you can drag and drop the Menu Structure around until it's arranged in an order you like.
  8. Make sure to select Mobile Menu from the Menu Settings area. 
  9. Click Save Menu