After you create your form in this article, you need to set the confirmation form, so the user will be notified after they submit the form.
Confirmation Type
In the gravity form, there are 3 confirmation type :
- Text (Confirmation Message Text)
The user will see the confirmation text after submit the form. You can directly type your text in the menu. - Page (Redirect Form to Page)
You can select the confirmation page, so the user to be redirected to after they have submitted the form. - Redirect (Redirect Form to URL)
You can set the confirmation to custom URL, so the user to be redirected to custom Url after they have submitted the form. Just paste the URL in the Redirect URL field.
In this article, I will show you how to set the confirmation redirect to my Blog Post, so after the customer/ client filling my freemium form, it will redirect to my post.
- go to Forms, and move your cursor to the form you need to set the confirmation.
- select the Settings, then click on Confirmation menu
- then move the cursor to default Confirmation, then click Edit
Before going to the next step, You need to have the blog post link. you can get the link by opening your blog post, then copy the link in your browser (see picture)
In the Confirmation menu, select the Redirect radio button, then paste your blog post link in the Redirect URL field. After that, click the Save Confirmation button to save changes.