The Coupon Plugin allows you to apply a discount on your form.

To use the coupon plugin, it is required to use the form with at least one Product Field and one Total Field, and add the coupon fields in your form. If you don't know how to create a form, you can see this article.

Add the Coupon Fields

The first step in this article, you must add the coupon fields in the form you want to set the coupon. 

  1. Go to the Forms in your dashboard. Select your form, then edit the form.
  2. In the Form Setting, add the Coupon in the pricing fields, usually before the total fields. After, add the coupon and click Update.

Setting Up a Coupon Feed.

  1. To create your new Coupon Feed, you must log in to your dashboard, then hover over Forms, and then select Coupons
  2. Select the option Add New in the top left to start creating your Coupon Feed
  3. In the Feed Settings, select the form you want to add the coupon.
  4. after you select the form, you must fill the information under the Coupon Basics and Coupon Options section, after fill, click the Update Settings button.
    In the Coupon Basic, you need to fill out this information:

    Coupon Name:Create the Coupon Name
    Coupon Code:Create the coupon code you would like your customer to input upon checkout. You can use the combination of letters, numbers, or symbols of any order.
    Coupon Amount:you can select Flat($) or Percentage(%) for the Coupon Amount. If you select Flat($), 

    In the Coupon Option, you need set the Date and Usage Limit from this coupon:

    Start Date and End Date:Enter the date when the coupon should start and expire
    Usage Limit:Enter the number of times coupon code can be used.
    Is Stackable:When the "Is Stackable" option is selected, this coupon code will be allowed to be used in conjunction with another coupon code.

    In this Article, I set the Coupon name to Ebook, Coupon code to "FREE2018", and the Coupon Amount is 50%. I set the date to 1-31 August 2018 and usage limit is 5. So, after 5 people using the coupon, the coupon will no longer active again.

  5. Your Coupon is set up.